Spring Slump?

By Danielle Hughes

While some people find spring to usher in a sweet relief from the winter, the truth is that many people feel no relief at all. When we’re hurting or feel stuck, it can be painful to see people all around us happily moving forward in exciting ways. Perhaps you or someone you know is experiencing this right now. Here are three ways to combat the spring slump:

  1. Get moving! Both low and high impact exercises have been linked to improved mood and motivation. So walk or run around the block (or mall – wherever) just get up and go.
  2. Be present! Bask in the moment by engaging your senses. Remember that phrase ‘stop and smell the roses?’ Do that.
  3. Release it! Got an issue? Talk, write, paint, sing, or dance it out. You get the picture—just don’t hold it all in.

Invite a friend to step into the spring with one of these healthy habits. You don’t have to do it alone. Chance are they’ll be grateful for the company, too.

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